AMADEUS at the MRS Fall Meeting 2024 in Boston MA, USA

Credits: Diatope GmbH The poster session at the 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibition in the culturally rich city of Boston, Massachusetts was a resounding success for the AMADEUS partner Diatope GmbH. The MRS Fall Meeting featured a combination of interdisciplinary cutting-edge research, innovative technologies, and collaborative networking, leading to new discoveries in areas ranging […]

EQTC 2024: Shaping Europe’s Quantum Future Together

Credits: EQTC The European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC) 2024 took place from November 18th to 20th  in Lisbon, Portugal, bringing together experts, researchers, and policymakers to discuss the latest advancements in quantum technologies. The event, held under the motto “Building Europe’s Quantum Future Together,” highlighted Europe’s efforts to lead the way in this cutting-edge field. […]

Fraunhofer IAF Application Laboratory

The Quantum Sensing Application Laboratory at Fraunhofer IAF was established as part of the Fraunhofer lighthouse project QMag, short for quantum magnetometry. Five German Fraunhofer Institutes and the British Fraunhofer CAP have joined forces in QMag to bring quantum sensors out of the labs and into industry. Several quantum magnetometers are available in the Quantum […]

AMADEUS at the 2nd Quantum Effects Exhibition in Stuttgart

Credits: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG From October 8 – 9, 2024, the Quantum Effects exhibition and conference took place in Stuttgart, focusing on the latest advancements in quantum technologies, including quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing. Three partners of the AMADEUS project, Fraunhofer IAF, Bosch and University of Stuttgart showcased their innovative solutions, highlighting their […]

Quantum Magnetometer on board EU Space Mission Ariane 6

During its historical launch on July 9th, 2024, the Ariane 6 rocket carried a special device called a diamond-based quantum magnetometer, which was created by imo-imomec students under the OSCAR ESA-funded YPSAT project. Imomec is a joint research institute of IMEC and Hasselt University, partnering the EU-funded AMADEUS project. The magnetometer is tightly related to the […]

Quantum sensors on the road to industrial applications

Thierry Debuisschert, Coordinator of AMADEUS (TRT), attended the 2023 European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC) taking place at the Convention Center in Hannover, Germany from October 16-20, 2023. On October 17th, he participated to the round table of the High-level Panel, discussing about European Leadership in Quantum Technologies. It is a moderated panel featuring high-level representatives of the European Commission, […]

Quantum Sensing Gordon Research Conference–Frontiers of Sensing in the Quantum Regime with Atomic, Solid-State and Photonic Systems

The AMADEUS project was presented by USTUTT at the Quantum Sensing GRC event held in Les Diablerets, Switzerland, from the 23rd to the 28th of July 2023.  The Quantum sensing GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for […]

33rd International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials

From September 10 – 14 2023, members of the AMADEUS consortium presented their latest results on diamond growth and quantum sensing at the 33rd International Conference onDiamond and Carbon Materials in Palma, Spain. In overall 6 oral and 1 poster presentation from Fraunhofer IAF and Diatope, the consortium shared the ongoing research progress. The main […]