QBN meeting on Applications of Diamond-based Quantum Computing & Sensing

On May 4th, 2023, a QBN meeting hosted by Fraunhofer IAF was held in Freiburg on Applications of Diamond-based Quantum Computing & Sensing. The Quantum Business Network (QBN) offers developers and users of quantum technologies an opportunity for contact and information exchange as well as the presentation of new technologies in the network. Members of the QBN met at Fraunhofer IAF for exchange and networking on this topic. Numerous presentations by international speakers offered insights into the latest developments in the field of diamond-based quantum technologies. Representatives from start-ups, companies and research institutions used the opportunity to gain insights into new approaches and applications as well as to visit the laboratories at Fraunhofer IAF.

During this meeting, several partners of the AMADEUS project had
the opportunity to present their work and to connect with industrial companies
and fellow researchers to discuss quantum applications based on the NV center
and further collaborations.

For more information, please visit the the website of Fraunhofer IAF: https://www.iaf.fraunhofer.de/en/media-library/newsarchive/qbn-meeting-2023.html 

© Fraunhofer IAF

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