Related projects

AMADEUS builds on previous projects (DIADEMS, ASTERIQS) efforts for installing a network of key players around the core technology of NV-centres in diamond, bringing together European actors across the entire Value Chain (from materials all the way to system integration and end users) either as Consortium members or via the project Industrial Advisory Board.

Technology readiness level
*TRL: Technology Readiness Level

DIADEMS project (EC – FP7)

The DIADEMS project aimed at exploiting the unique physical properties of NV color centres in ultrapure single-crystal CVD-grown diamond to develop innovative devices with unprecedented performances for ICT applications. By...

ASTERIQS project (EC – H2020)

Development of a spectrum analyser up to TRL 4-5 (TRT). Further development and research on miniaturised NV-based magnetometers for a wider range of applications (Bosch) Bottom-up grown tips for NV...
Amadeus Project
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