Citation: Magaletti, S., Mayer, L., Le, X.P. et al. Magnetic sensitivity enhancement via polarimetric excitation and detection of an ensemble of NV centers. Sci Rep 14, 11793 (2024).
Authors: Simone Magaletti, Ludovic Mayer, Xuan Phuc Le, and Thierry Debuisschert.
Publication location: Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 11793.
Year (date): 2024
Abstract: The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy center (NV) presents remarkable spin-dependent optical properties that make it an interesting tool for magnetic field sensing. In this paper we exploit the polarization properties of the NV center absorption and emission processes to improve the magnetic sensitivity of an ensemble of NV centers. By simply equipping the experimental set-up of a half-wave plate in the excitation path and a polarizer in the detection path we demonstrate an improvement larger than a factor of two on the NV center magnetic sensitivity.