Concept, objectives & structure


The concept of AMADEUS is based on the exploitation of the physical properties of the negatively charged NV- colour centre, embedded in ultrapure single crystals of diamond.

This is the most advanced example of solid-state spin, and therefore the most suited to practical applications. AMADEUS capitalises on the results achieved in ASTERIQS and gathers the industry partners of this project with the ambition of developing up to TRL 6-7 the applications they have developed up to TRL 4-5.

Each industrial partner – most already partners of the ASTERIQS project – addresses a specific field of applications: medical applications, communications, electronics industry, space sector, and industrial production of diamond.

By applying the tools of quantum technology, NV-based sensors with unprecedented sensitivity and spatial resolution will be developed in the scope of AMADEUS at high TRL levels 6-7.



Prepare the market uptake of NV-centres in diamond-based sensors, and strengthen European sovereignty in this domain


Improve the performances of the current NV sensing key technology


Improve the performances of NV sensors core components


Develop new applications achieving TRL 6-7 ready for market-uptake


Raise awareness and contribute to the governance and overall coordination of the Quantum Technologies Flagship


Kickstart the standardisation and calibration of the NV sensing techniques developed in AMADEUS in Collaboration with metrology institutes


The AMADEUS activities are broken down into six Work Packages :

• WP1 – Material and Technology

WP1 will develop material and technologies for the quantum sensor applications in other WPs dealing with the development of the applications (WP2 and WP3).

• WP2 – Component and readout technology

WP2 will develop and realise high-tech components, specific to diamond NV centre sensors, enabling their integration and assembling to concrete devices in WP3.

• WP3 – System integration

WP3 will integrate the components and sensors developed in WP2 to functional systems, develop sensor systems which achieve TRL 6 to 7 and their demonstration in an operational environment.

• WP4 – Dissemination / Outreach / Communication / Collaboration

WP4 will contribute to raise awareness of quantum sensors among potential customers, realise dissemination activities, and establish collaboration with quantum sensor companies outside AMADEUS.

• WP5 – Market uptake / exploitation / standards / IP

WP5 will take part in facilitating the emergence of an EU industrial actor in the production of NV-centres in diamond and determining a clear path to reach target markets for this new technology.

• WP6 – Project Management

WP6 will set up an effective coordination and management framework for the AMADEUS consortium to ensure progress of the project towards its planned objectives and respect of contractual commitments.

Amadeus Project
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