AMADEUS relates to the Quantum (QT) Flagship initiative launched by the EC to unlock the full potential of quantum technologies and their take-up into commercial products in Europe.
As highlighted in the Strategic Research Agenda of the QT Flagship and recently in the Strategic Industry Roadmap of the Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC), quantum sensing is the most mature among quantum technologies, with applications foreseen in transportation, precise localisation, health, security, telecommunications, electronics industry, etc.
AMADEUS is an industry-oriented consortium that will prepare the market uptake of quantum sensors exploiting NV centres in ultrapure diamond, one of the most promising and market-ready technology of quantum sensing. AMADEUS capitalises on the ongoing ASTERIQS project that develops this technology to TRL 4-5 in the ramp-up phase of the Quantum Flagship.
Four advanced applications will be pursued up to TRL 6-7 to answer societal and economical needs where no solution exists yet :
In 5G communication cellular networks, and further on future 6G, enabling self-optimizing networks in dense area, thus increasing the number of communications and lowering the energy consumption.
To analyse the defects in microelectronics circuits at room temperature and in standard environment in order to increase the throughput and lower the cost production.
For muscle and brain activity as novel medical diagnostic tool or as brain-machine interface in the future.
Use monitoring of the magnetic field as a multipurpose tool in harsh environment for space applications or for monitoring of the transient currents in electric car batteries.
The consortium involves large companies, RTO’s, SME’s and academic partners. It addresses the whole value chain, from the diamond material to the system working in operational environment, along which the workplan is organised. The partners will produce the material and the components that will be assembled in operational systems and will disseminate the results towards large audiences including end-users. Key actions will be taken to support the transfer to market. In collaboration with major European metrology institutes, AMADEUS will contribute to the standardisation and certification of quantum technology. Consequently, AMADEUS will reinforce the European quantum industry for the benefit of Europe’s economy and citizens.
AMADEUS is a research project funded by the European Community. Find below the key datas related to this one.
The Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) consists of international experts selected from stakeholders relevant to AMADEUS.