A compact radiofrequency spectrum analyzer based on nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond

Citation:  Ludovic Mayer, Simone Magaletti, Ovidiu Brinza, Alexandre Tallaire, Jocelyn Achard, Jean-François Roch, and Thierry Debuisschert “A compact radiofrequency spectrum analyzer based on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”, Proc. SPIE 12430, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XIX, 124300H (15 March 2023).

Authors:  Ludovic Mayer, Simone Magaletti, Ovidiu Brinza, Alexandre Tallaire, Jocelyn Achard, Jean-François Roch, Thierry Debuisschert.

Publication location:  Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XIX

Year (date): 2023

D.O.I: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2648853

Abstract:  We have realized a compact radiofrequency spectrum analyzer based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers in diamond. The RF spectral components are spatially encoded by means of a Zeeman shift of the NV resonances induced by a magnetic field gradient. The fluorescence of the NV centers is imaged on a CMOS detector array using a gradient index lens. The spectral components of the signal are revealed by the appearance of dark lines in the image. We observed frequencies up to 10 GHz, with a resolution of a few MHz and a RF sensitivity of the order of 100 μW.

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