DIADEMS project (EC – FP7)

The DIADEMS project aimed at exploiting the unique physical properties of NV color centres in ultrapure single-crystal CVD-grown diamond to develop innovative devices with unprecedented performances for ICT applications. By exploiting the atom-like structure of the NV that exhibits spin dependent optical transitions, DIADEMS made optics-based magnetometry possible. TRT was the coordinator and the project successfully ended on August 31st, 2017.

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Quantum Magnetometer on board EU Space Mission Ariane 6

NV centres by vacancies trapping in irradiated diamond: experiments and modelling

Citation: S Santonocito et al 2024 New J. Phys. 26 013054...

Quantum sensors on the road to industrial applications

Quantum Magnetometer on board EU Space Mission Ariane 6

NV centres by vacancies trapping in irradiated diamond: experiments and modelling

Citation: S Santonocito et al 2024 New J. Phys. 26 013054...

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